The REAP Grant: Empowering Farmers & Agriculture Growers to Go Solar

As the demand for sustainable energy grows, farmers and agriculture growers across the country turn to commercial solar power to boost their bottom line and reduce their environmental footprint. A key factor of this transition is the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) grant, a federal initiative designed to provide financial assistance to agricultural [...]

Harvesting Incentives with Commercial Solar Energy for Farms & Agriculture

Climate change's impact is more pronounced than ever, but since the passing Inflation Reduction Act, new financial incentives have make commercial solar energy more financially accessible to farmers and property owners in less populated areas.  This historic bill provided for increased and expanded incentives for businesses located in rural parts of the country as [...]

Growing Profits with Solar for Farm and Agriculture

Farmers and Agriculture Growers Increase Profits with Commercial Solar The advantages of commercial solar installations in creating sustainability and profitability across various industries has been well established. However, its impact is particularly pronounced in agriculture, where vast fields and open land create a unique opportunity for positive change. Across the nation, commercial solar acts [...]

DRIVING PROFITS: NJ Auto Dealerships Use Commercial Solar Incentives to Increase Their Bottom Line

As the world continues to shift towards a more sustainable future, auto dealerships are stocking more electric vehicles (EVs).  However, as more EVs roll onto showroom floors, most dealerships face the challenge of escalating operating expenses for a business that already consumes more energy than most. Many New Jersey auto dealerships have successfully turned [...]

Going Solar with Ease

There are so many reasons to go solar with Geoscape Solar: The 30% ITC Tax Credit, becoming energy independent, saving money every month on your utility bills, increasing the value of your property, fighting climate change or taking advantage of state incentives. Determining whether or not your property is the right fit for solar, [...]


Short answer: NO, there is no such thing as free solar and there is no such thing as free energy. The passing of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022 contained $269 billion in financial incentives for properties to become more energy efficient. This led to endless advertisements and promotions which promise “free solar” or [...]

Determining Eligibility for the Solar Investment Tax Credit

With the 30% Solar Federal Tax Credit (ITC) coming to an end in 2019, a great deal of material is currently being published about it. The ITC is one of many valuable incentives to consider when converting to solar energy and there are many questions about how the tax credit is applied and which [...]

Why Should Commercial Property Owners Consider Going Solar?

There are many factors a business must consider when contemplating going solar. These range from bottom line savings, ability to finance, and the strategic advantages of marketing the business as a sustainable company. Braen Quarry in Franklin, NJ. A 3MW project which will pay for itself in 2 years. Dollars and $ense  [...]

10 questions to shed light on Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs)

Simply put, Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs) are a specialized form of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) that allow organizations to track—and potentially profit from—the amount of clean, renewable energy produced by commercial solar power systems. SRECs exist in states that have specific mandates for generating solar energy. The more electricity produced, the more Solar [...]

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