Geoscape Solar’s Earth Day Film Festival Benefits Non-Profit Partner: EarthShare NJ
After years of looking for the “right” strategic partner, Geoscape Solar, a for-profit Commercial Solar Installation company and EarthShare NJ, a non-profit discovered that they held a shared organizational mission in creating a more sustainable future for New Jersey.
“There are select groups that advocate for solar, but our mission is to create a more sustainable future by reducing reliance on fossil fuels. ” said Michael Boches, CEO of Geoscape Solar. “The production of clean energy positively impacts our air, our water, and our wildlife. EarthShare NJ is a natural fit for Geoscape Solar because they are a central point of contact for a wide variety of environmental organizations that benefit from EarthShare NJ’s customized opportunities.”
Like EarthShare NJ, Geoscape Solar specializes in “customized opportunities” by providing tailored financing, design, and technology options for a wide commercial and non-profit property owners. They also share the structure of having a national footprint with local concentration in the New Jersey marketplace.
The search for an environmental non-profit partner escalated for Geoscape Solar when they decided to host a virtual film festival to celebrate Earth Day, 2021. As a member-owner of the national Amicus Solar Cooperative, Geoscape Solar was approached by partner-organization SunCommon with the opportunity to access climate action films for use in creating a customized event. SunCommon had hosted their own film festival in the upstate New York and lower Vermont area this past March. Geoscape Solar opted to move forward and turn it into a film festival to celebrate Earth Day.
“Our primary goal is to present something positive by addressing climate change and inspiring attendees to take action,” said Lee Watson, COO of Geoscape Solar. “Our secondary goal is to raise money through a $10 suggested donation to “attend” the event. Geoscape Solar’s efforts in funding and executing the film festival gives us the opportunity to direct the donation money to EarthShare NJ and their non-profit member-organizations.”
EarthShare New Jersey is privileged to be working with Geoscape Solar and the Film Festival is a great way to launch our partnership,” said Paula Aldarelli, Executive Director of EarthShare, NJ. “Our Responsible Tomorrows program focuses on sustainability by providing resources and information about what people can do to live more sustainably. The importance of people learning more about what they can do to reverse the damage already done to our planet and change behaviors to stop future damage can’t be under emphasized.”
Geoscape Solar is equally pleased to be able to claim EarthShare NJ as a strategic partner. “We’re looking forward to cultivating future opportunities and events that will enable Geoscape Solar to work with and support EarthShare NJ.” said Irene Heifetz, Marketing Director at Geoscape Solar.
The Earth Day Film Festival will be live on Zoom on April 22 at 7:00PM EST. It begins with :30 minute round-table discussion about Climate Change and the role that commercial solar energy plays in both carbon reduction and economics. Questions can be submitted advance. This will be followed by :45 minutes of short films that focus on climate issues that face our planet today. A recap discussion and raffle prize drawings will follow.