2019 is the Year of the PIGgy Bank

2019 is The Chinese Zodiac Year of The Pig. Here at Geoscape Solar, we are calling it "The Year of The Piggy Bank." The year ahead is predicted to be crucial in terms of how we invest, how we save, and how sustainably we choose to live. After experiencing the volatility of the 2018 [...]

Does Solar Energy Work in Winter?

One of the first ways we know that Winter is around the corner is when we set our clocks back. This ritual is inevitably the start of shorter days and higher costs to heat your home. The best way to protect yourself from the rising costs of heating your property is by converting to Solar [...]

Why Go Solar in the State of New Jersey?

Why Go Solar in the State of New Jersey? New Jersey saw the most dramatic solar growth last year, rising from 10th largest state by installed PV capacity to 5th while also entering the top 10 for solar job creation for the first time. A number of strong solar incentives in New Jersey make [...]

The 4 Phases Of Implementing Commercial Solar

If you’re investigating how to go solar, you’re probably wondering how it all happens. This infographic overviews the phases you’ll go through when implementing a commercial solar panel system—from site evaluation, to system design and installation, through ongoing operation and maintenance.

9 Questions To Ask Potential Commercial Solar System Providers

When you start considering something totally new and different for your business, like purchasing commercial solar systems and panels, you might not be sure where to start. What questions should you be asking? Who should you ask? How do you know if the answers you get are accurate, complete and unbiased? In other words, [...]

10 questions to shed light on Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs)

Simply put, Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs) are a specialized form of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) that allow organizations to track—and potentially profit from—the amount of clean, renewable energy produced by commercial solar power systems. SRECs exist in states that have specific mandates for generating solar energy. The more electricity produced, the more Solar [...]

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