This is the Year! 4 Federal & New Jersey Solar Incentives For 2025

Have you been considering setting your business up to run off solar energy in New Jersey? For many businesses, 2025 will be the year to make the move. The wide range of commercial solar incentives available in 2025 won’t last forever, and they’re not to be missed. Read on to discover how you can [...]

By |2025-01-16T21:59:47+00:00January 16th, 2025|Commercial Solar, Going Solar, Solar News & Media|0 Comments

How to Use Commercial Solar Tax Credits for a Fresh Financial Start

As we approach a new year, many New Jersey businesses are looking to take charge of their expenses and find ways to secure more stable financial footing.  Utility costs continue to rise. International conflicts continue to disrupt supply chains. Today’s solar energy incentives have no guarantee they’ll exist a year from now in a [...]

Road to Financial Success: Commercial Solar Energy for Auto Dealerships

Solar energy is an ideal solution that can benefit auto dealerships  both economically and environmentally.  As concerns about energy inflation and dwindling natural resources become increasingly widespread, many businesses are looking towards alternative solutions to save on electric costs and reduce their carbon footprint.  Auto dealerships, in particular, can benefit from investing in solar [...]

NJ Auto Dealerships are Revving Up Revenue with Solar Energy

Auto Dealerships are taking advantage of the economic and environmental benefits of installing solar energy in a time when energy inflation is out of control. As more electric vehicles (EVs) are featured in auto dealership showrooms, the demand for electricity has grown. This is on top of the fact that most Auto Dealerships consume [...]

It’s 2023 – Why hasn’t your business switched to solar energy?

In 1839,  Edmond Becquerel, a French physicist working in France, discovered the photovoltaic process that produces a voltage or electric current when exposed to light or radiant energy. 194 years later, solar energy has grown into the most efficient, cost effective, and sustainable way to power your business.  With the passage of  the Inflation [...]

Demand for Sustainable Features Shown to Increase Property Values

Recently, the National Association of Realtors , America's largest trade association, representing more than 1.3 million members involved in all aspects of the residential and commercial real estate industries, released the Realtors and Sustainability 2019 Report which found that consumers continue to look for eco-friendly features in a property and are willing to pay [...]

Why Go Solar in the State of New Jersey?

Why Go Solar in the State of New Jersey? New Jersey saw the most dramatic solar growth last year, rising from 10th largest state by installed PV capacity to 5th while also entering the top 10 for solar job creation for the first time. A number of strong solar incentives in New Jersey make [...]

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