No Solar Company dreads incoming phone calls. Except the ones that begin with: “ I used Solar XYZ and then they went out of business and now I’m stuck with a system that doesn’t work. Can you help?” We empathize with the property owner who is reaching out to us and are starkly reminded of how competitive success in the Solar Industry remains. These calls are a constant reminder of how high the standard is to compete in the solar business and our journey to build the Geoscape Solar brand as one that is synonymous with trust and confidence.
Geoscape Solar was founded a decade ago on the principle of Solar Done Right. Solar Done Right encompasses the three guiding principles that enabled Geoscape Solar to avoid the pitfalls that many conglomerates and start-up solar companies make.
1) Geoscape isn’t looking to sell our clients the cheapest solar installation, we’re looking to sell them the best solar installation.
2) Each property owner’s financial situation demands a customized solar solution from both an engineering and financial perspective.
3) Geoscape Solar installers are Geoscape Solar employees. Geoscape Solar is accountable for what happens from the day a client signs their contract to the day they get Permission To Operate (PTO) their system.
When Geoscape Solar was founded in 2008, the SEIA reported that Solar Energy had grown to “new heights” reporting additional installations of 1.265 PV megawatts. A decade later, the SEIA reported an impressive 10.6 PV gigawatts was installed in 2017. Commercial solar remained at a steady peak.
Such a huge jump in solar consumption would lead many to conclude that this opened the doors for many solar companies to open their doors and thrive. Many solar provider’s doors opened, however, most companies did not thrive.
The high bar set for solar providers worked in the favor of skilled solar installers such as Geoscape Solar. The rise of solar conglomerates proved to be a short-term spike because conglomerates were unable to deliver the quality and customer care that local providers such as Geoscape Solar are able to provide. Most of the HVAC and roofing companies that added solar to their letterhead mast wound up failing because their focus on Solar Energy was secondary at best.
These business models failed to focus on the intricate nuances of the Solar Energy Industry in the same personalized manner that Geoscape Solar delivers. As a result, these types of providers fail to deliver quality financing and installations to commercial and non-profit property owners.
After a full decade of quality solar installations, Geoscape Solar has grown into a leading New Jersey Solar Provider for Commercial and Non-Profit Solar Projects. Geoscape Solar boasts outstanding solar customer testimonials and a spotless record with the Better Business Bureau.