It’s 2023 – Why hasn’t your business switched to solar energy?

In 1839,  Edmond Becquerel, a French physicist working in France, discovered the photovoltaic process that produces a voltage or electric current when exposed to light or radiant energy. 194 years later, solar energy has grown into the most efficient, cost effective, and sustainable way to power your business.  With the passage of  the Inflation [...]

Giving Tuesday: Green Partnerships that Make a Difference

There is no shortage of worthy causes to allocate your resources to this Giving Tuesday. Giving Tuesday was created to change the world through giving and generosity.  With so many Non-Profit Organizations in need of generous support, how do you navigate being able to touch the causes that you're aligned with? After a Thursday's [...]

New Jersey Energy Leaders Share Their Progress – Michael Boches, CEO

As New Jersey inches closer to 2050, the due date for the state’s 100% clean energy goal, energy companies in the state are making significant strides toward decarbonization. With Invest:, prominent energy leaders in the state shared insights into the progress their organization is making on the commercial clean energy front. What would you [...]

2019 is the Year of the PIGgy Bank

2019 is The Chinese Zodiac Year of The Pig. Here at Geoscape Solar, we are calling it "The Year of The Piggy Bank." The year ahead is predicted to be crucial in terms of how we invest, how we save, and how sustainably we choose to live. After experiencing the volatility of the 2018 [...]

8 Things Sustainable Businesses Care About

If you’ve wondered "What is sustainability?" when it comes to business, this infographic can help. It shows eight of the most common things companies focus on when they implement sustainable business practices. Business and sustainability can coexist. And businesses are finding that by focusing on corporate responsibility, they can also maintain a sustainable competitive advantage [...]

How Many Solar Panels Do I Need to Power My Business?

Figuring out “how many solar panels do I need to power my business” is simply a matter of dividing how much energy a solar panel can provide by how much your business uses. But you didn’t come here for “simple,” you want a real answer. Let’s dig a little deeper and put some numbers [...]

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